Strangers with razors

On my first complete day of freedom, with nowhere to be, nothing in particular that had to be done, I went and sat on a log in the park and knit.

I sat for hours watching as children raced around on bikes, played basketball, tried to shoot pigeons with Nerf guns (don’t worry, the pigeons were faster, much to the boys disappointment).

It was a lovely, sunny, spring day and, with the promise of the next days weather being the same, it was time to get organised and sort out some poorly neglected self-maintenance so that I could begin to wear skirts and dresses (it’s been winter, don’t judge)!

Another girl sitting nearby asked me to keep an eye on her things while she ran to the bathroom. When the girl came back I asked her if she knew where there was a supermarket open today (its Sunday and all shops are shut except for restaurants). She said no only newsstands and asked me what I needed, I told her I was mostly just after a razor to which she replied ‘oh well I work for Lufthansa and have some at home. I’ll go get you some, do you need anything else?’  just like that! I said no and off she went (turns out she hadn’t gone to public toilets but lived around the corner in the nice part of town – lucky girl). She came back with a lovely little first class pack from Lufthansa airlines with two quality Gillete disposable razors, a decent sized can of shaving cream and several bottles of L’occitane products which I know retail for a fortune.

There are some wonderful strangers out there are there not!

Unfortunately the weather turned again so it’s still been too cold to lose the tights, but when the sun shines again I’ll be ready!

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  1. Pingback: Tea from strangers on trains | High tea with Maureen

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