High tea with Maureen

After much encouragement and a final collective shove from those ever encouraging friends here I am! A lover of cooking, eating, travel, tea, knitting, time with family and such a range of other things I know not where to begin! Most of my favourite things involve food in some way shape or form: knitting in cafe’s, family dinners, foreign foods in far off lands and of course that wonderous invention ‘High Tea’ which brings so many delightful things together all at once that I had to have one for my 21st! So, welcome to my blog… which will most likely revolve around my experiences with food and include much digression into whatever takes my fancy!

2 Responses to High tea with Maureen

  1. Haylie says:

    Well said! =)

  2. Pooja says:

    Very well written!! love every sentence:-)

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